News from Years 5A and 5B

Year 5 Literacy

All Year 5 students have been working very hard in class! They have completed NAPLAN and general assessments. We worked on an exposition for writing. We also read different texts while focusing on facts and opinions, and learnt to incorporate figurative language in our writing.

Year 5 Integrated

Students have enjoyed learning about geography this semester. They have enhanced their understanding of world continents and looked at Australia, Europe and North America in detail. They have also completed world mapping activities and investigated the changes that can take place in a given environment.

‘I enjoyed creating the world globe, it was fun and I learnt about the world continents’
Naveed Khan

‘I enjoyed completing the mapping activity looking at the US states. I didn’t know America had fifty states.’
Aayah Hawli

Year 5 Excursion:

The Year 5 students visited the Eureka Tower this term to enhance their understanding of Melbourne and its surroundings. They looked at many different landmarks and other buildings.

We also visited the Shrine of Remembrance which was a lovely way to conclude our history unit.

At the beginning of Term 2, Year 5 students also participated in a first aid workshop run by St. John’s Ambulance. The students developed the basic skills required to effectively deliver first aid.

‘I enjoyed the edge experience, it was fun because you can see Melbourne from above.’
Abbas Ibrahim

‘We had telescopes to see each and every landmark. It was fun and we got to do activities.’
Mariam Saleh

Ms Mirela Hot and Ms Medine Cilek